\myheading{Switching value trick} ... found in Jorg Arndt --- Matters Computational / Ideas, Algorithms, Source Code \footnote{\url{https://www.jjj.de/fxt/fxtbook.pdf}}. You want a variable to be switching between 123 and 456. You may write something like: \begin{lstlisting} if (a==123) a=456; else a=123; \end{lstlisting} But this can be done using a single operation: \lstinputlisting[style=customc]{bool/XOR/XOR_switch.c} It works because $123 \oplus 123 \oplus 456=0 \oplus 456=456$ and $456 \oplus 123 \oplus 456=456 \oplus 456 \oplus 123=0 \oplus 123=123$. One can argue, worth it using or not, especially keeping in mind code readability. But this is yet another demonstration of XOR properties.