\myheading{Soldering a headphones cable} This is a real story: I tried to repair my headphone's cable, soldering 3 wires with minijack together. But which is left? Right? I couldn't even find ground wire. I asked myself, how many ways there are to solder 3 wires to 3-pin minijack? I could try them all and pick the combination that sounds best. With Python's itertools module this is just: \lstinputlisting[style=custompy]{comb/wires3.py} \lstinputlisting{comb/wires3.txt} (Just 6 ways.) What if there are 4 wires? \lstinputlisting[style=custompy]{comb/wires4.py} \lstinputlisting{comb/wires4.txt} (24 ways.) This is what is called \textit{permutation} in combinatorics.