\myheading{Vehicle license plate} There was a hit and run. And you're police officer. And this is what your only witness can say about the 4-digit license plate of the runaway vehicle: \begin{lstlisting} There was 13: 1 and 3 together, I'm sure, but not sure where, 13 as first 2 digits, last 2 digits or in the middle. And there was also 6, or maybe 8, or maybe even 9, not sure which, but one of them. \end{lstlisting} Combinatorics textbooks are abound with exercises like this: can you enumerate all possible 4-digit numbers constrained in this way? \lstinputlisting{comb/plate.py} \begin{lstlisting} 1360 1306 6130 6013 ... 9139 9913 9139 9913 \end{lstlisting} ( 180 numbers ) This is something you can query registered vehicle database with...