"i can tell" * third order. for sequence: i can tell you 66% my 16% them 16% * second order. for sequence: can tell you 23% us 17% me 11% your 11% this 5% * first order. for word: tell you 35% me 25% us 6% him 5% the 4% "she was a" * third order. for sequence: she was a blonde 12% child 6% passenger 6% free 6% very 6% * second order. for sequence: was a very 4% man 3% small 3% long 2% little 2% * first order. for word: a very 2% man 2% little 2% few 2% small 1% "he was a" * third order. for sequence: he was a man 11% very 7% young 3% tall 3% middle 2% * second order. for sequence: was a very 4% man 3% small 3% long 2% little 2% * first order. for word: a very 2% man 2% little 2% few 2% small 1% "i did not" * third order. for sequence: i did not know 22% say 9% even 3% tell 3% mind 3% * second order. for sequence: did not know 11% take 3% wish 3% go 2% say 2% * first order. for word: not a 4% be 4% have 3% been 3% to 2% "all that she" * third order. for sequence: all that she said 100% * second order. for sequence: that she had 22% was 19% would 7% is 5% has 5% * first order. for word: she was 12% had 10% is 5% said 3% would 3% "have not been" * third order. for sequence: have not been able 25% here 25% employed 12% shadowed 12% personally 12% * second order. for sequence: not been for 9% in 6% there 6% a 4% slept 4% * first order. for word: been a 5% in 4% the 2% so 2% taken 1% "who wanted to" * third order. for sequence: who wanted to see 100% * second order. for sequence: wanted to see 15% know 15% speak 10% ask 10% hide 5% * first order. for word: to the 11% be 6% me 4% his 2% my 2% "he wanted to" * third order. for sequence: he wanted to know 50% do 50% * second order. for sequence: wanted to see 15% know 15% speak 10% ask 10% hide 5% * first order. for word: to the 11% be 6% me 4% his 2% my 2% "wanted to do" * third order. for sequence: wanted to do the 100% * second order. for sequence: to do with 23% so 14% it 10% the 4% and 3% * first order. for word: do you 24% not 20% with 6% so 4% it 4% "it is just" * third order. for sequence: it is just possible 42% as 33% killing 4% such 4% in 4% * second order. for sequence: is just possible 25% as 22% the 8% a 8% to 5% * first order. for word: just as 13% now 5% a 4% to 3% the 2% "you will find" * third order. for sequence: you will find that 20% it 20% me 8% the 8% a 6% * second order. for sequence: will find it 19% that 17% the 9% me 7% a 5% * first order. for word: find that 13% the 10% it 9% out 8% a 6% "you shall" * second order. for sequence: you shall have 15% see 12% know 12% hear 9% not 9% * first order. for word: shall be 20% have 7% not 4% see 3% i 3% "proved to be" * third order. for sequence: proved to be a 42% the 14% too 4% something 4% of 4% * second order. for sequence: to be a 11% the 3% in 3% able 2% so 2% * first order. for word: be a 7% the 4% in 2% of 2% no 2%